Sunday, 2 October 2011

Thank God I Found Them (TTCians)


This entry is specially dedicated to all my TTCians friends. Too many to mention. I'm glad that I found you guys here in blogging world. Seriously, I'm soooooo glad that I created this blog. Syukur kepada Allah kerana jumpakan saya dengan korang semua.

Even though kita kenal virtually, saya selalu rasa dekat dengan korang. Maybe because we're in  the same boat and walking in the same type of shoes, different size of course :p Melalui blog korang, saya dapat kekuatan. The strength that I'm longing for to keep me strong in facing this TTC things. Only we know how hard and difficult to face this things. But, we're strong kan? We're the chosen one, remember? We're are strangers in real life, but in this 'world' we're more than friends. You know what I mean, right?

Saya bersyukur sangat sebab bila saya down pasal TTC nih, saya tau kat mana nak carik kekuatan - by login to this blog and click your blog links :)) I feel great after reading all your entries, even though we never talk to each others. How special is our relationship kan? Hehe.
To all my TTCians yang still tak berjaya macam saya, kita teruskan usaha, ok? If anyone of us is giving up, lets we help her! Give her strength to go through all of this and share her burdens. 

To my TTCians yang dah berjaya, please continue your support with us. We are more than happy to share your good news :))
We are strong. We are same. We are 'twins' in this TTC things. I love you guys. Thanks for being part of me:))

Ok, bye!


  1. betul!
    rasa macam dekat sangat kan. kita berkongsi perasaan yg sama. lega bila dapat klik blog kwn2 TTC. lihat usaha. lihat semangat. buat kita rasa lebih kuat.

    kita sokong satu sama lain ok. xper la kalau org lain xpaham, xsemua org melalui ujian spt kita. insyaAllah, ada rezeki utk kita :)


  2. ~JD: yup, it's such a relief bila tau ramai yg senasib mcm kita. mmg btol apa yg awak ckp, kita jek yg paham apa yg sedang kita lalui. Kita teruskan usaha and support each others, ok?

  3. hanya sesama kita yang memahami bila kita berkongsi rs... :(

  4. ILY:kita dapat merasai how was the pain...nak telan air liur pun kadang2 rasa perit sangat sebab mengenangkan nasib kita..uuwaaa!!! nak nangis!!!...

  5. We can count on each other... Hail to the TTCians! :)

  6. semangat saya pun selalu datang balik bile baca komen2 yang uols!!!

  7. its true.... having ttc friend really helps walaupun xpernah kenal in real. Keep trying dear

  8. salam ILY.. salam kenal, baru bkesempatan untk menyapa. heee! saya sgt setuju dgn entry awk, TTCians byk bt saya sedar that we're not alone facing this. Byk kekuatan yg dpt kita pinjam dr cerita mereka.. all the best to us!!:)

  9. salam pkenalan....jemput singah blog saya juga..:)
    saya pon happy dapat kongsi cite dgn kwn2 di sini..:)

  10. btol tu..nana pon rase camtu..mmg best dpt jumpe korang kat least tau we're not alone..

  11. so true...:):)

    teruskan usaha anda, TTCian!!!

  12. Lady Mira, nape saya tak bole access blog awak ek?..

  13. ye btul tu..dan macam2 info kita dapat.pada masa yg sama bertukar pendapat suka duka dikongsi bersama

  14. misskirokuza: yup, betul..kita yang sama-sama melalui menda nih jek yang paham..

    Siti: Alaa..jangan nangis..Allah uji kita sebab Dia sayang kita..ingat, orang lain lg teruk dugaan positive, ok!

    nanoke: "Hail to the TTCians!"..i loikeee :)

    Myself: betul, betul..bila baca entry and comments positif daripada TTCians yang lain..terus dtg balik semangat :)

    Lady Mira: I slalu peek-a-boo at your blog..your stories inspire me :)I will keep trying smpi berjaya. Thanks :)

    sahida: Salam kenal to u too..yup, we're are not alone..semoga kita berjaya dalam usaha kita..Amin :)

    MAG: Salam kenal dear..saya dah singgah blog awak and dah follow youuuu ;p

    Kekda: Hugs Kekda ketat2 jugak sampai takleh nafas! Haha.

    Nana Aris: Tulaa..bila rasa down or give up pasal TTC nih..kita tau nak carik sapa kan? All our TTCians friends!

    Nia: Anda jugak! Teruskan usaha.

    Siti: Rasanya Lady Mira tengah siapkan blog baru utk cerita her pregnancy stories..that's why she privated her blog for a while :)

    mahujadiibu: a'ah. Agree! Kadang-kadang rasa macam doktor jugak bila macam2 info dapat tau..hehe..

  15. hi ily,
    hv just followed your blog.
